BeZero Carbon Ratings now available on the Bloomberg Terminal
BeZero Carbon ratings of carbon projects now available for all Bloomberg Terminal users via {BZRO <GO>}
The move enhances accessibility of carbon ratings to help inform emerging carbon markets
Assessing the quality of carbon credits via ratings is critical to delivering climate action and scaling analysis of carbon markets
BeZero Carbon, the global carbon ratings agency, has expanded access to its scientific risk assessments of carbon projects by making its analytics available on the Bloomberg Terminal. Carbon ratings serve as a powerful tool to boost transparency in the market, and BeZero Carbon’s analytics provide users with key information to make more informed net zero decisions.
The BeZero Carbon ratings provide customers with a risk-based assessment of a carbon project’s likelihood of avoiding or removing one tonne of CO2e, on an eight-point scale. The scale ranges from AAA, representing the highest likelihood, to D, the lowest likelihood, of carbon avoidance or removal, which helps market participants better understand the quality of their carbon credit investments.
BeZero Carbon ratings are easily accessible on the Bloomberg Terminal via {BZRO <GO>} and {DSET Carbon_Offset_Projects <GO>}. Bloomberg Terminal users can view climate risk assessments for hundreds of individual carbon projects and can filter results by vintage, project rating, registry, sector and more to identify projects with the most impact.
Emilie Gallagher, Global Head of Commodities, FX and Macroeconomics at Bloomberg, said:
“All types of market participants are searching for new opportunities in growing segments like voluntary carbon markets. Given our close collaboration with clients and agencies like BeZero Carbon, we are well positioned to bring more transparency to this space and provide Bloomberg Terminal customers, including corporates and institutions, access to monitor carbon ratings and offset quality.”
Through robust risk assessments, BeZero Carbon is facilitating large-scale investment into the most empirically effective climate projects. As found in BeZero Carbon’s recently published research using transacted price data from the Xpansiv CBL market, BeZero Carbon ratings of ‘A’ or above command a price premium around 200% higher than other BeZero-rated credits in the latter half of 2023.
Sebastien Cross, Chief Innovation Officer and co-Founder of BeZero Carbon said:
“The addition of our carbon ratings on the Bloomberg Terminal is a huge landmark for BeZero and an important development for effectively evaluating carbon markets at scale. To have our ratings live across financial markets within two years of launching is a brilliant affirmation of the team and our approach. Giving Bloomberg customers the tools to understand and value project risks will boost trust and confidence in carbon credits as a net zero tool, and ultimately help mobilise investment into projects delivering real climate impact.”