Last updated: 23/11/23
BeZero Carbon website users
The BeZero Carbon Rating of voluntary carbon credits represents BeZero Carbon’s current opinion on the likelihood that carbon credits issued by a project achieve a tonne of CO2e avoided or removed. The BeZero Carbon Rating and other analyses, ratings, and other statements or information made available through the BeZero Carbon website at https://bezerocarbon.com ("Content") is made available for information purposes only. The Content and in particular the BeZero Carbon Rating, where available, sets out BeZero Carbon's opinion on a particular carbon credit or project based on publicly available information as at the date expressed and BeZero Carbon shall have no liability to anyone in respect of the Content, opinion and BeZero Carbon Rating. For information about the BeZero Carbon Rating methodology, qualifying criteria and process, please click here. Use of the BeZero Carbon website and Content is subject to applicable terms and conditions and our privacy policy. The Content is made available to users of the BeZero Carbon website for information purposes only and you should not construe such Content as legal, tax, financial or investment advice. The Content is a statement of opinion as at the date expressed and does not constitute a solicitation, recommendation or endorsement by BeZero Carbon or any third party to invest, buy, hold or sell a carbon credit. The Content is not a statement of fact and should not be relied upon in isolation. BeZero Carbon has no obligation to update any Content after publication. The Content is one of many inputs used by stakeholders to understand the overall quality of any given carbon credit. BeZero Carbon shall have no liability to you for any decisions you make in respect of the Content. If you have any questions about BeZero Carbon, the BeZero Carbon Rating, the BeZero Carbon Rating methodology, qualifying criteria, rating process, any element of Content, the BeZero Carbon Markets platform or otherwise please contact us at: commercial@bezerocarbon.com.