Aoibheann Brady headshot

Dr Aoibheann Brady

Lead Geostatistical Scientist

Dr Aoibheann Brady's interests

  • Bayesian statistics

  • Causal inference

  • Climate modelling

  • Data engineering

  • Data science

  • Geostatistics

  • Geospatial engineering

  • Machine learning

  • Mathematics

  • Satellite imagery

Dr Aoibheann Brady is a statistician whose work looks at the intersection of climate, the environment and statistics. Her research has focussed on the application of Bayesian spatio-temporal models and causal inference techniques to accurately detect and attribute changes in environmental processes (such as flooding, sea level rise, etc.) to changes in climate. She has also worked extensively on applying statistical methods to problems spanning water resources, air pollution, health and sports science.

Before joining BeZero, Aoibheann managed a team of data scientists at Cervest, where she led the development of statistical models for rare event prediction for a variety of climate hazards under multiple scenarios. Prior to this, she conducted research on the European Research Council funded GlobalMass project at the University of Bristol and has consulted on projects for ESPN. Aoibheann sits on the advisory board for the EPSRC-funded SAMBa Centre for Doctoral Training at the University of Bath.


  • University of Bristol, Postdoctoral Research Associate in Spatial Statistics (ERC GlobalMass project)

  • University of Bath, Doctoral Researcher in Environmental Spatial Statistics

  • University of Bath, MRes in Statistical Applied Mathematics

Research associations

  • Member of Advisory Board for Statistical Applied Mathematics (SAMBa) CDT at the University of Bath.

Learn more about Aoibheann's academic history and publications