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Introducing BeZero's project Carbon Accounting Template

  • Sebastien Cross
    Chief Innovation Officer & Co-founder
  • Ana Karla Nobre Dias
    Head of Data Analytics
  • Markets and Policy

Watch our teach-in for BeZero’s project Carbon Accounting Template, a high-level evolving tool that can be used by project developers of all types and sectors.

The unanimous feedback we’ve received from all market actors is that everyone would benefit from a way to structure and report project information in a standardised way. The sooner everyone has the means to understand a project’s core claims, the quicker they can focus their energies on assessing the credibility of those claims. We see this lack of a commonly-used reporting framework as one of the biggest but easiest to address barriers to scaling the voluntary carbon market.

The template is available for free on our website and is applicable to all project types in the market, capturing the high-level components used to calculate credit issuance for each vintage.

Hear from Chief Innovation Officer & Co-founder Sebastien Cross and Carbon Rating Scientist Ana Karla Nobre Dias as they introduce the data template and how it can be used.