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Developing the VCM - the evolution of the market structure post CCPs

  • Markets and Policy

The launch of the first part of the Core Carbon Principles assessment framework marked an important step in the development of the voluntary carbon market. As we move towards the full CCP assessment being launched and operationalised, view a discussion on how this will influence the evolution of the structure of the market.

Our panel discussion explored some of the key roles and activities required to build an active and robust market. This includes the role of the CCPs and how they interact with other players in the market such as standards bodies and ratings agencies.

The webinar included the following participants:

  • Tommy Ricketts, CEO & co-founder, BeZero Carbon

  • Andrew Howard, Senior Director, Climate Policy and Strategy, Verra

  • William McDonnell, Chief Operating Officer, ICVCM

  • Mikkel Larsen, Chief Executive Officer, Climate Impact X

  • Moderated by Teresa Hartman, Director, Voluntary Carbon Market Formation, IETA