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Webinar - Carbon credits - the path to high quality

Webinar - Carbon credits: the path to high quality

  • Sebastien Cross
    Chief Innovation Officer & Co-founder
  • Markets and Policy
  • Ratings
BNEF Webinar speakers

On Thursday 25th April BeZero hosted a panel discussion on how trust can be gained for carbon credits to realise their potential impact. This panel discussion was the first in our new Carbon Connections webinar series aiming to highlight the collaboration in carbon markets that is driving evolution and change.

Moderated by Philippa Nuttall, Editor at Sustainable Views, our Chief Innovation Officer and Co-founder Sebastien Cross was joined by Kyle Harrison, Head of Sustainability Research at BloombergNEF, Mark Kenber, Executive Director at VCMI, and Sarah Ouziaux, ESG Officer at ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales.

Carbon markets are on course to expand substantially in coming decade, and attract huge investor interest. According to BloombergNEF’s latest modelling, informed by BeZero Carbon’s ratings, carbon credits could be worth over $230 per tonne by 2050, under the optimal regulations and market structure - termed the high-quality scenario.

​But what is the path to the high-quality scenario, which would see integrity concerns addressed, and barriers to carbon markets removed for companies? In this scenario, trust in the climate impact of carbon credits and the claims that companies are making is crucial.

This panel delved into the latest research from BloombergNEF and BeZero Carbon on how trust can be gained for carbon credits to realise their potential impact, the role of domestic and global regulations, and how pricing can better reward quality to drive demand and investment.

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