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Image of a cookstove. Boiling down quality in cookstove projects

Webinar - Boiling down quality in cookstove projects

  • Dr Kirti Ramesh
    Senior Director, Ratings Innovation
  • Matt Lavelle
    Lead Scientist, Ratings Innovation
  • Explainers
Webinar: project insights. Boiling down quality in  cookstove projects. Confident decisions with smarter project analysis

On Thursday 6th February, we hosted a webinar that explored how our standardised datasets unpack risk in cookstove projects, and supercharge due diligence.

Cookstove projects have wide-ranging social and environmental benefits. But concerns about their carbon efficacy have sparked doubt around their climate impact.

To unpack carbon risk in cookstoves, you need to identify and understand the critical factors underpinning their performance, such as fNRB values and baseline fuel consumption. It’s hard to interrogate a project’s climate claims without this data at your fingertips.

Using real project examples, Dr Kirti Ramesh, Senior Director, Ratings Innovation, and Matt Lavelle, Lead Scientist, Ratings Innovation, showcased how our platform can help you:

  • ​​Save time through instant access to decision-ready datasets spanning 100+ cookstove projects

  • ​​Screen projects for quality by honing on critical parameters defined by BeZero’s analytical team

  • ​​Compare and benchmark multiple rated and unrated projects across locations and methodologies

Whether you’re a developer looking to optimise your project design, or a buyer/investor performing due diligence, BeZero’s Project Fundamentals save users hours or even days in data extraction and analysis.

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