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Aerial image of a Rainforest with small pockets of human settlements. Understanding and assessing impacts beyond carbon

Understanding and assessing project impacts beyond carbon

  • Understanding carbon credit quality does not stop at carbon efficacy - climate projects can deliver positive social, economic, and environmental impact, or negative impact in the absence of robust safeguards.

  • BeZero’s proprietary non-carbon risk assessment framework is supported by extensive research on SDG claims and project safeguards data conducted by experts in sustainable development, biodiversity, and carbon markets.

  • Robust, project-level ‘beyond carbon’ data on SDG claims and safeguards helps BeZero’s platform users understand the full impact of their carbon credit investments.


  • Carbon projects do not operate in a vacuum

  • A primer on SDG claims and project safeguards

  • Reviewing the evidence on doing good, beyond GHG efficacy

  • A robust non-carbon assessment framework built by experts

  • Know your credit with our Beyond Carbon dashboard

  • A complete toolkit for carbon project assessment

  • Further reading on ‘beyond carbon’ topics

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