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Carbon Dioxide Removal in the VCM

  • Ted Christie-Miller
    Director of Carbon Removal
  • Victoria Harvey
    Carbon Ratings Scientist, Engineered Carbon Removals Lead
BeZero Carbon has published a report to provide insights into the current landscape of the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM), engineered Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR), and the necessary transitions that must occur in the near term to ensure CDR reaches the scale necessary to avert climate crises.

Here are some key takeaways from the report

  • The VCM is dominated by avoidance credits, but this is set to change

  • This shift will include an influx in engineered CDR credits as nascent projects increase retirements.

  • The market for engineered removal is growing rapidly but supply is still low.

  • The market needs to develop if the price is going to come down at the rate necessary. 

  • Solutions: Accreditation needs to improve, Ratings need to be implemented and strong public sector support is needed


  • Abbreviations

  • Executive summary

  • The Scene

  • The Problem

  • The Solution

  • Conclusion

  • Aknowledgements

  • Updates and Reviews

  • References

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