Buyers pay more for carbon credits with SDG claims
Higher carbon credit prices likely reflect Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) claims related to environment and/or community benefits. From January 2021 to August 2024, projects that made SDG claims had average per-credit prices that were 31% higher than those without SDG claims. The influence of SDG claims on price varies by BeZero Carbon Rating (BCR), sector, and region.
Buyers pay the highest prices for projects with both high ratings and SDG claims. Projects assigned a BeZero Carbon Rating of ‘BBB’ or above that also make SDG claims command prices that are 61% higher than projects rated ‘BBB’ and above without SDG claims.
The price premium for credits with SDG claims is significant within the sectors that are most commonly associated with ‘beyond carbon’ impacts, namely the Industrial Processes (20%), Household Devices (19%), and Nature-Based Solutions sector groups (7%).
Overall, credits with SDG claims also fetch higher prices when broken down by region. Credits issued by projects located where there is higher potential for ‘beyond carbon’ impacts command significant price premiums, p-value <0.05: Southern Asia (69%), Eastern Europe (30%), and Southeastern Asia (15%)
These market trends signal that buyers frequently seek projects that have impacts beyond carbon mitigation. However, simply making an SDG claim does not necessarily translate to high-integrity ‘beyond carbon’ impacts. As with carbon efficacy, SDG claims vary in integrity. BeZero’s research and tools shed light on the impacts behind these claims.
Carbon credits with SDG claims are in high demand.
Carbon credit price trends by SDG claims and carbon quality
Carbon credit price trends by SDG claims and sector
Carbon credit price trends by SDG claims and host country
Identifying high-integrity SDG claims