BeZero partners with EcoRegistry
Global carbon ratings agency, BeZero Carbon, announces its partnership with data driven registration platform, EcoRegistry, to increase coverage of its headline ratings in emerging markets, including Latin America
The move will allow EcoRegistry’s 1,000+ users access to ratings which discern the quality of carbon credits for every rated carbon project listed on the platform
Assessing the quality of carbon credits via ratings is critical to delivering climate action at scale, as well as fostering robust carbon markets with Cercarbono and other new standards that are being developed around the globe
Global carbon ratings agency, BeZero Carbon, has increased access to its scientific risk assessments of carbon projects into emerging markets, including Latin America, by making its headline ratings available on data driven registration platform EcoRegistry.
Ratings provide transparency for buyers in carbon markets on the effectiveness of a given carbon credit, so market players are better equipped to make climate decisions with impact. The partnership will allow EcoRegistry’s 1,000+ users to access ratings which discern the quality of carbon credits for every rated carbon project listed on the platform.
The BeZero Carbon Rating provides users with a risk-based assessment of a carbon project’s likelihood of avoiding or removing one tonne of CO2e on an eight-point scale. The scale ranges from AAA, representing the highest likelihood, to D, the lowest likelihood of carbon avoidance or removal, which helps market participants better understand the quality of their carbon credit investments.
EcoRegistry’s platform allows users to view and source information on hundreds of carbon projects and the credits they generate. The registry has partnered with five standards bodies to list projects accredited by Cercarbono, Biochar Carbon Credit, Asia Carbon Institute, Carbon Path, and the Global Heat Reduction Registry.
Independent ratings work in conjunction with industry standard bodies to ascertain the quality of carbon credits and incentivise high-integrity behaviour from both the supply and demand sides of the market.
BeZero Carbon’s ratings are facilitating large-scale investment into the most effective climate projects, as its research reveals that credits separated by one rating notch higher on its eight-point scale can command price premiums of 30%. BeZero Carbon ratings of ‘A’ or above see a price premium around 200% higher than other BeZero-rated credits.
Juan Duran, CEO at EcoRegistry, said:
“Through data integration and connectivity we can enhance transparency and integrity in the carbon markets. We are proud and happy to work with the team at BeZero, who also share our vision about the importance of data and information to improve the assessment process of carbon crediting projects.”
Tommy Ricketts, CEO and co-Founder of BeZero Carbon said:
“Our partnership with EcoRegistry is a key marker of our intention to support the growth of burgeoning carbon markets worldwide, particularly in Latin America. As a region with a rich heritage of climate action and increasing potential in the creation of quality carbon credits, there is a pressing need to demonstrate the value of rigorous risk assessments for carbon credit buyers and developers alike. EcoRegistry is a fast-growing global platform for carbon market players, and we’re proud to be contributing to its growth. Carbon ratings are central to our ability to develop the voluntary carbon market and deliver climate action at the scale that is urgently required.”
Media contact
Dani Wiggins, Communications Manager
(+44) 7760 13618