Nature-Based Solutions
Soil Carbon & Agriculture
Direct Air Capture
Ocean-Based Carbon Removals
Climate modelling
Earth science
Forest carbon
Dr Matthew Brady is an Earth Scientist whose work at BeZero primarily explores the effectiveness of forest carbon projects around the world, with a particular focus on Avoided Deforestation. His dissertation research examined the magnitude of climate changes in the northern neotropics over geological timescales, with a critical focus on experimental development and measurement of novel isotopes in water to precisely track climatic shifts.
Before joining BeZero, Matthew sat alongside senior academics on the board of the Cambridge Centre for Climate Science, building relationships and running events for climate scientists across the University of Cambridge.
University of Cambridge, Godwin Laboratory for Palaeoclimate, PhD
University of Oxford, Department for Earth Sciences, MEarthSci
Learn more about Matthew's academic history and publications
Exploring how our standardised datasets uncover risk in forestry projects, and enhance due diligence.
Analysing Verra's consolidated REDD methodology, VM0048, and the impact it will have on credit issuance