Nature-Based Solutions
Soil Carbon & Agriculture
Field scientist
Plant sciences
Soil science
Beth Roberts is an agricultural scientist who is passionate about using ecological principles to create sustainable, resilient, agroecosystems that promote biodiversity, enhance soil health, and optimise resource use. Her PhD focused on quantifying and valuing natural capital and ecosystem services within agricultural systems, with a particular focus on soil health.
Before joining BeZero, she worked as a consultant developing a scoring system which scores farms based on a number of key sustainability metrics which can be assessed and monitored using satellite technology. She has also worked collaboratively with policymakers, spending six months working with the Soils Policy and Land Use team at the Welsh Government, contributing to the development of a new soil policy for Wales.
Rothamsted Research / University of Bristol, PhD in Sustainable Agriculture
University of Sheffield, MSc in Biological Sciences
Research associations
Collaborating researcher with the Welsh Government to develop Soil Policy for Wales
Outlining regenerative agriculture projects and the remote sensing tools used to detect and monitor agricultural practices
Exploring our latest regenerative agriculture rating, featuring firsts like the inaugural project rating under the International Carbon Registry (ICR)